New Beginnings

Aloha! It’s taken a while to start a blog even though it’s been on my mind for over a year. I’m not the best with my words or writing, so I’ve put it off again and again. But it’s now or never, so here we go!
I’m excited to share that I’ll be moving from Oahu to Houston, Texas in March!
My soon-to-be husband, Cody, and I became friends in 2020. We’ve been in a long-distance relationship for two years, flying back and forth to see each other. We’ve decided to settle down in his state, and couldn’t be more excited for our future! I’ve delayed sharing this news (originally wanted to make this blog in November) due to the holiday season and wedding planning. It’s better that I’ve taken my time to say this though, as I’ve been trying to be more present each day to soak up life’s little moments. Also, I’m now emotionally prepared to express myself here. 🙂
I’m thankful for everyone’s love and support for my small business. It truly warms my heart that people enjoy my artwork, especially all of the custom charms I’ve been able to create. It’s like each custom charm is a tiny piece of a big heart puzzle. I love hearing what customers would like, especially if they’re gifting the charm to someone they love. <3
My dad always emphasizes that life is about people; he couldn’t be more right. I’ve become great friends with so many crafters, customers, and other small business owners throughout the years. I’m so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been given. Running a small business has impacted my entire life and I wouldn’t change a single thing.
So…. will I keep Oahu Charms open?
Yes, I plan to keep Oahu Charms open!
Sadly I’ll be closing my locker at Ben Franklin Enchanted Lake (#1A) at the end of February. If you’ve wanted to check the locker out, please visit before they’re gone for good! The Mapunapuna locker (#58) and Pearl City locker (#38) will stay open and continue to have a selection of charms and my mom’s cards.
After March, it may be a bit quiet on my end while I settle down, so I apologize in advance. Online sales will be my next focus while I look for local craft fairs and markets around my new home!
Future Ideas and Plans
For all the local supporters at home, I have some ideas of what to do for you. Since the Mapunapuna and Pearl City lockers will stay open, I plan to send a box of goodies to my mom once a month. She’s agreed to restock the locker full of charms and her cards! Yay, mama to the rescue! The details are still being smoothed out, but this could mean that Hawaii customers may still have a ‘pick up’ option available. 
I have created a Facebook group for friends and family who would like to keep in contact there. I'd love to see all the awesome projects you've been working on or things you've been baking, etc.
A charm of the month program is also in the works… More of what's to come in the next blog. This is all I have to say for now friends.
Thank you so much for making it to the end of my first blog. Have a blessed day!
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